Olivet School of Engineering and Architecture


Olivet University’s name refers to the Mount of Olives, a historic site in ministry of Jesus named for the olive trees that covered its slopes. The emblems of Olivet – the olive tree and the oil from its fruit – represent the world of peace and eternity proclaimed by Jesus Christ.

The hope for that world is embedded in Olivet College of Engineering. Our purpose is to raise Biblical scholars and leaders through a comprehensive program of academic study and spiritual training in faith and theology. The curricular program also balances theoretical and practical learning to encourage the application of scholarship.

These and other components of the learning experience at OSEA are an intentional effort to educate a generation of Christian leaders prepared to preach the Gospel in today’s context of mission, and to advance the world proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Olivet College of Engineering and Architecture students become fishers of men when they experience an evangelistic emphasis in class, chapel, and various fellowships. Our students experience these learning opportunities under the direction of faculty members with real experience in preaching and ministering. Through interaction with other students and faculty, amidst the many faith-centered opportunities to serve, we believe the students receive the training coveted by every Christian who has considered working in mission and ministry.

OSEA faculty are passionate for their work. Although all faculty members are highly distinguished in their fields, they are chosen mainly for their personal interest in Christian work, rather than for credentials. Faculty are constantly seeking ways to extend their hands to help students beyond the basic commitment in the classroom. The commitment that OSEA professors have towards students is a key to the success of our programs.

“Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.” (Ps 66:16)

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